IQPM Co - Integrated Quality & Project Management Consulting

Consulting: Process Transformation

Business process transformation aims to improve the efficiency of business operations by removing duplicate or unnecessary steps and automating as many processes as possible. It involves a radical rethink of what processes are and how they can best be executed. Financial services industries have been slow to streamline their operations along business process lines.

Tracing Business Processes and Transformation

For process redesign, we apply traditional Design for Six Sigma methods. And to improve a process, we apply Lean Six Sigma principles.

  • Lean and Lean Six Sigma are a set of methods companies can apply to any manufacturing, transactional or service process to reduce waste, eliminate non-value-added actions and cut time.
  • Six Sigma is a highly disciplined approach to decision making that helps people focus on improving processes to make them as near perfect as possible.
  • Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) is a methodology for enhancing the speed and quality of the design processes inside an organization.
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