Consulting: Process Transformation:: Integrated Quality and Project Management
IQPM Co. Integrated Quality and Project Management process is a tool critical to Lean, Lean Six Sigma, Six Sigma and Project Management success. Key benefits: A structured, hierarchical approach to guide development tasks and execution, substantial cost reductions, increased efficiencies, sustainable improvements and shareholder value.
IQPM Methodology Development
When implementing an Integrated Quality & Project Management methodology for your company, IQPM Consulting factors in your existing management best practices. Implementation is a collaborative process, with final methodology ownership in your hands. Our methodology implementation approaches are designed to foster acceptance and make the adoption of a standard methodology welcomed within your project culture.
IQPM Maturity Advancement
Advancing quality and project management maturity improves your company's effectiveness at executing projects. Using our expertise we work with our clients to assess the current level of maturity, develop an achievable improvement plan, and help keep the momentum going by supporting the execution and measurement of the recommended improvements.
Integrated Quality & Project Review & Recovery
IQPM Consulting addresses quality and project recovery at both the organizational and individual project levels, depending on your specific needs. We provide three distinct service offerings to help your organization turn troubled projects around quickly.
Performance Measurement
Measurement provides you with the information necessary to make intelligent decisions about what you do. For example, you might want to understand the performance of your project management processes, your project office, your training initiatives, or even your overall strategies. Our consultants will work with you to develop a measurement program customized for your company to accurately demonstrate performance results to key stakeholders.